Brylex Tours Blog - Tour With Us!

20 May 2023

Bon Bini na Curaçao!

Greetings from Curaçao! We spent our first day on the island getting to see the amazing animals at our resort, the Amazonia Resort in Santa Catharina! Got to meet some amazing people on the tour too!

15 May 2023

Less than 5 days remain!

In less than 5 days, Brylex Tours and ALG Travel are traveling to Curaçao! We're so excited to share this trip with you all, make sure you check back often to make sure you don't miss any updates on the great things to do on the island.

In other news, it appears that the issue with Facebook has been relatively resolved and we were able to post our Mother's Day post! We're still awaiting communication from Meta with confirmation of this however things are on the up for the Brylex Tours Facebook Page once again. We can't thank you all enough for your patience while we worked through this issue, especially with the Curaçao trip imminent.

10 May 2023

Facebook Issues

Hello everyone! Sadly due to some issues on Facebook's end, we've had some difficulties posting new posts since May 4, we're currently waiting to hear from Meta in regards to a solution to this issue, and we truly appreciate your patience while we navigate this issue. We're still able to post on Instagram, and here as well, so don't worry! We can still get the word out about our prospective tours custom designed for you and your group!

13 Apr 2023
Follow us to Curaçao!

Follow us to Curaçao!

Brylex Tours visits Curaçao!

Brylex Tours will be traveling to the island of Curaçao from May 19-25 and will be visiting all the sights to be seen on the island. Make sure you follow us on Facebook or check back here for updates on the trip! Thanks for traveling with us!

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